
  • Can you ship to my country ?

    When proceeding to checkout and entering your address, if you cannot select your country or if "Shipping not available" is displayed, it means we cannot ship to your region. Otherwise, shipping is possible. Shipping Restrictions to Several U.S. States>>>
  • Can you ship to my address in Japan?

    We are very sorry but we cannot. We have built our store entirely on the premise of exporting to other countries, so we do not have the legal notations and such that are required for selling in Japan. Also, shipping to Japan is not exporting, so our store would have to exclude that transaction ...
  • What shipping methods available??

    Please refer to our Shipping Policy >>
  • How long it takes until you ship my order ? ( Handling Time )

    We usually ship orders within 2-3 business days (in Japan time ) Sometimes it may take 3-5 days by our various reasons, Day off ,Busy or Holiday etc. Please understand.
  • How long it takes to my country?

    FedEx takes 3-5 days from the pack dispatched from us. and if busy or holiday season it may take longer.
  • About Combined Purchase? or change my order ?

    Once an order has been completed, it cannot be combined with another order. And no changes can be made to the order after purchase.Please consider your purchase well in advance.
  • Do You Ship Items in Their Original Carton Packaging?

    Regarding Purchases by Carton Unit If you wish to receive the shipment in the unopened carton box, please make sure to select "Carton" from the variations. (If "Carton" does not appear in the variations, carton orders are not available.) You can purchase up to 4 cartons. (If you wish to buy mor...